But this time I kept going back to one photo. Casey seemed to call out to me, telling me, "you're the one who can help me". After stewing about it for a day or so, I finally posted that we would take him if transportation could be arranged from southern California to Vancouver, BC.
I didn't hear anything back and breathed a sigh of relief that a local rescue had been found for Casey.
Then on Aug 8th or 9th, I saw a plea reposted for someone to step up for Casey. I immediately posted that we would take him and on Saturday, Aug 13 Casey flew up to Vancouver. He was fostered overnight in Vancouver and Sunday saw Casey on the road to Alberta to a longer term foster home.
The reason Casey languished in the shelter from July 5 to August 12 was he was a "medical" dog. That usually means "expensive". It is likely that Casey was hit by a car. Xrays taken on August 16 show that Casey's femur is not where it's suppose to be. He will need surgery, a Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO).
Casey's surgery will run about $1,200.00 if there are no complications. The cost isn't exorbitant by any means, but it stretches our small budget to the breaking point.
If you are able to help with a donation to Casey, please email me - boxers@wispernet.ca

Casey isn't our only new Canadian.
I confess, another beautiful boxer face captured my heart. Faith arrived in Vancouver from northern California on August 6. As with Casey, she was to be fostered for a short time in Vancouver, then make her way to Alberta. Faith had other ideas though. Within hours of her arrival, her foster family was so in love with her they couldn't let her go.
When the heartache and frustration of rescue begins to take a toll on me and I tell myself I can't do this anymore, I will remember Casey and Faith. They and all the other dogs we have helped over the past 16 years are the reason I can keep going.